API Documentation

This is the API documentation for the Carfax and Autocheck reports.


Every request to the API must include the x-api-key header with your API key. You can get your API key in your profile.


By default, your account comes with a limit of 20 requests per day. You can contact us to increase the limit. The x-api-limit header on the response indicates the number of requests you have left for the day. Each report will count towards your credit balance. You can purchase more Here.


The base URL for the API is https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api.

  1. Get User Information
  2. Get User Limits Information
  3. Get Carfax HTML from VIN
  4. Get Autocheck HTML from VIN

Get User Information

GET /api/user

Get the user information.


Key Value
x-api-key Your API Key

Example Response

  "_id": "6603fcf18adc9203718db05b",
  "email": "john@doe.com",
  "role": "USER"

Python Example

import requests
response = requests.get('https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/user', headers={'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'})

cURL Example

curl -X GET 'https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/user' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Get User Limits Information

GET /api/user/limits

Get the user's current limit information.


Key Value
x-api-key Your API Key

Example Response

  "daily_limit": 20,
  "carfax_reports_left_today": 15,
  "autocheck_reports_left_today": 19,
  "credits": 5

Python Example

import requests
response = requests.get('https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/user/limits', headers={'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'})

cURL Example

curl -X GET 'https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/user/limits' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Get Carfax HTML from VIN

GET /api/carfax/vin/:vin/html

Get the Carfax report as HTML for a VIN.

NOTE: You can use `JH4DC4360SS001610` as a test VIN to not use up your credits.


Key Value
x-api-key Your API Key


Key Value
vin The VIN of the vehicle

Example Response

  "yearMakeModel": "2017 TOYOTA CAMRY",
  "id": "UAJNNC235345",
  "html": "..."

Python Example

import requests
response = requests.get('https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/carfax/vin/{YOUR_VIN}/html', headers={'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'})

cURL Example

curl -X GET 'https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/carfax/vin/YOUR_VIN/html' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Get Autocheck HTML from VIN

GET /api/autocheck/vin/:vin/html

Get the Autocheck report as HTML for a VIN.

NOTE: You can use `JH4DC4360SS001610` as a test VIN to not use up your credits.


Key Value
x-api-key Your API Key


Key Value
vin The VIN of the vehicle

Example Response

  "yearMakeModel": "2017 TOYOTA CAMRY",
  "id": "UAJNNC235345",
  "html": "..."

Python Example

import requests
response = requests.get('https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/autocheck/vin/{YOUR_VIN}/html', headers={'x-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'})

cURL Example

curl -X GET 'https://panel.cheapcarfax.net/api/autocheck/vin/YOUR_VIN/html' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'